Monday, November 13, 2006

News Update 11/13/06- 3:00 p.m.

Local Headlines:
The Winter Parking Ban begins November 15th and will be effective through April 15th. Under the ban, cars and bikes are not permitted to park on the streets and sidewalks from 6:00 p.m. to midnight or during snowstorms.

UMaine Orono men’s hockey team crushed UMass Lowell this past weekend in a 4-1 match. Jason Bergeron scored the only UML goal. The loss brings UML down to 3-3-3 overall and 2-1-2 in the league.

A study by UML professor Richard Clapp just revealed that computer factory workers have a much higher chance of dying of cancer than normal folks. Not just a little higher, either. Computer factory workers have a 66% higher chance of getting brain cancer, 79% more likely to get melanoma, males are 62% more likely to get kidney cancer and females are 112% more likely to get kidney cancer.

Lawrence City Councilor Grisel Silva is being investigated by the state Ethics Commission. After Silva and her husband found a gun in their daughter’s bedroom, they called a police officer who happened to be a close friend. They wanted to keep the episode “low-key,” so low-key, in fact, that the gun was never turned in. Both the officer and the Silvas are being questioned.

The Lowell Philharmonic Orchestra will open its 19th season with a free concert on November 17th at 8:00 p.m. The concert will be at the Sullivan Middle School on Draper Street. For more information, visit

Australian scientists have developed a t-shirt that allows its wearer to create music using an air guitar. With built-in sensors that track arm movements and finger picking imitations, the t-shirt sends the information to a computer that generates the music. The t-shirt can also play the tambourine.

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