Thursday, November 09, 2006

Campus Crime Report

October 29

Donahue Second Floor.
12:40 am. EMTs were called to check the well being of a female in the shower, possibly intoxicated, who was being uncooperative. She refused care and was referred for a Judicial Referral for Minors in Possession of Alcohol.

Leitch Fourth Floor. 1:16 am. John Degou of Burlington, MA was arrested for trespassing and will be summoned to court.

Riverview Lot. 10:52 am. Student reported his car missing from the lot. A parent had moved it home without telling him.

November 1

University Avenue Bridge.
2:57 am. An officer was stopped by pedestrians who said that a person driving by had shouted racial slurs at them. Claims were unfounded.

November 2

McGauvran First Floor. 2:10 pm. Officers were called to investigate a claim of assault adn battery by Jason Scullin of Georgetown, MA. A report was taken and Scullin was taken to the station.

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